HolyCoast: Court Rules Al Gore's Movie Could Politically Indoctrinate Kids
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Court Rules Al Gore's Movie Could Politically Indoctrinate Kids

A father in England sued to prevent Al Gore's global warming movie from being shown to students. The court ruled partially in his favor:

A judge on Wednesday ruled that Al Gore's award winning climate change documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" should only be shown in schools with guidance notes to prevent political indoctrination.

High Court judge Michael Burton's decision follows legal action brought by a father of two last month claiming the former US vice-president's film contained "serious scientific inaccuracies, political propaganda and sentimental mush".

Stewart Dimmock wanted to block the government's pledge to send more than 3,500 secondary schools in England and Wales a DVD of the documentary to demonstrate the need to fight global warming.

Judge Burton said the Oscar-winning film should be accompanied by government guidance notes and to distribute it without them would breach education laws prohibiting the promotion of unbalanced political viewpoints.

But the victory was only partial, as Dimmock failed to get the film totally banned from schools.

So, on almost the same day as Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his movie (expected on Friday), his movie is ruled to be political propaganda. The Nobel Committee should be very proud.

UPDATE: The Goreacle Wins the Nobel

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