HolyCoast: Radio Station Hushes Rush to Prove a Point
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Radio Station Hushes Rush to Prove a Point

A small market radio station in Oregon received a number of complaints about the phony "phony soldiers" controversy involving their #1 rated show, and the station manager decided to prove a point to the complainers:
After receiving a barrage of e-mails and phone calls from listeners upset with radio host Rush Limbaugh over allegations by Democrats that he smeared anti-war troops, a tiny Oregon radio station decided to give the listeners what they asked for and replaced the No. 1-rated show with music.

Paul Mitchell, general manager of KAST Radio in Astoria, told WND he's a long-time supporter of Limbaugh and explained he simply was trying to prove a point to people who said they would rather listen to CDs.

"It was a great opportunity to cause a little excitement," said Mitchell, who estimates his market is about 30,000 people in the community at the mouth of the Columbia River on the Pacific.

While Mitchell said he received about 200 e-mails and calls from people upset with Limbaugh, after suspending the program yesterday the station was hit with some 800 messages from listeners who wanted the talk-radio giant back.

The show returned to KAST's schedule today.

"I guarantee you, our audience doesn't like listening to Perry Como," Mitchell said.
And Rush's record still stands. Despite numerous attempts by Democrats to get him off the air, he still has never lost a station or an advertiser. The people who want him banned are waaaaaay outnumbered by those who don't.

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