HolyCoast: The Dems Gift to the Marines
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Friday, October 12, 2007

The Dems Gift to the Marines

Last week I predicted that Rush Limbaugh would make Harry Reid and the Dems pay for sending that letter to Clear Channel demanding an apology. Today, another HolyCoast prediction came true. The chairman of Clear Channel is not only a corporate partner of the Limbaugh show, but is a good friend of Rush's and sent the original letter to him as a souvenir of the controversy. Rush has now put the letter, complete with the signatures of 41 Dem Senators, on eBay with all proceeds going to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation of which Rush is a board member and has raised millions of dollars in contributions.

As I write this the bid stands at $5,600, but I predict it will get into six figures before the auction closes next Friday. You can watch Rush introduce the auction during an appearance in Philadelphia last night by clicking here.

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