HolyCoast: Former Iraq General Blasts the Political Establishment
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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Former Iraq General Blasts the Political Establishment

The headline on Drudge says EX-GENERAL DROPS BOMB and most of the reporting seems centered on this line of the General Sanchez' speech:
The U.S. mission in Iraq is a "nightmare with no end in sight" because of political misjudgments after the fall of Saddam Hussein that continue today, a former chief of U.S.-led forces said Friday.

However, that's not all he said, as is pointed out by Captain Ed. The first part of his speech was actually an indictment of the media, something which the media seems loath to report. I won't excerpt it all here - you can read it in Captain Ed's report.

There is one more section of his speech which is also going unreported in the mainstream press, because it's even more problematic for the press and the "out-of-Iraq-NOW" crowd (such as the congressional Democrats):
America has no choice but to continue our efforts in Iraq. A precipitous withdrawal will unquestionably lead to chaos that would endanger the stability of the greater Middle East. If this occurs it would have significant adverse effects on the international community. Coalition and American force presence will be required at some level for the foreseeable future. Given the lack of a grand strategy we must move rapidly to minimize that force presence and allow the Iraqis maximum ability to exercise their soveriegnty in achieving a solution.

Don't expect to hear that part during the Sunday shows which you know are going to focus solely on Gen. Sanchez' criticism of the lack of preparedness on the part of the military and the administation in the immediate aftermath of the war.

UPDATE: Scrappleface has 10 verbatim quotes from the General's speech, each a criticism of the press, that won't make it into the press reports.

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