HolyCoast: Dems to Propose a War Tax
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Dems to Propose a War Tax

After suffering a string of losses on the issue of the Iraq War, Rep. David Obey wants to extend the losing streak:
WASHINGTON — A top Democratic congressman, saying Democrats "have had it with being maneuvered and jerked around" on the war in Iraq, offered a new approach Tuesday to change the course of funding for the ongoing war: A war tax.

Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said he will not allow a bill to come for debate to provide emergency supplemental funds for the war and suggested Americans should be compelled to pay for it through a "surtax."

"The president isn't going to get a supplemental this year. I am not going to report a supplemental out" if it simply is a request for funds and not a change in direction for troops in Iraq," Obey said.

Obey suggested he is flexible as to what the change in policy proposes "so long as it represents real change and not camouflage."

Obey said the annual cost for the war — $145 billion — could be paid by a tax that would range from 2 percent for low and middle income folks to 12-15 percent for higher income households.

How many times have the Democrats claimed they weren't going to approve supplemental funding for the war right before being rolled by the Republicans? It happens every time and it'll happen again this time.

What's really interesting about this proposal is how the wacky antiwar left will react. Does Obey really think that the wacko MoveOn.org and Media Matters lefties would allow Dems to support a bill that would make them pay for the war they hate so much?

This bill will never get anywhere.

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