HolyCoast: Far Right Endorses Romney, But Will the Center Right Follow?
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Far Right Endorses Romney, But Will the Center Right Follow?

I have to agree with Andrew Jackson on this one. I think it's wishful thinking to predict that the endorsement of Mitt Romney by far Christian right university chancellor Bob Jones III will start the flood of evangelical endorsements that Hugh Hewitt and Article VI blog seem to think is going to happen. Bob Jones III hardly represents the rank-and-file evangelical in this country, and just because he's more conservative (and some might even suggest repressed) than other evangelicals, doesn't mean that he's the first domino in a line from right to center that has to drop to get the evangelical endorsement ball rolling.

I, for one, am completely unimpressed by any endorsement offered by Bob Jones III and it doesn't make me any more likely to support Romney than to support Hillary. I'm still looking for the GOP candidate that can #1 win, and #2 will appoint the type of strict constructionist judges who will be unlikely to create new rights out of thin air and will property support the rights that are clearly enumerated. Given his abyssmal national polling numbers, Romney has not convinced me on #1 yet.

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