HolyCoast: More Gun Control Foolishness in California
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

More Gun Control Foolishness in California

Fellow Californian Craig Good is on the warpath against Golden State legislators (and the governator) over a piece of legislation that he describes on his blog as follows (h/t The Corner):
Governer Schwarzenkennedy just signed the so-called microstamping bill. This requires that new semi-automatic firearms sold in California starting in 2010 have microstamping technology which puts a unique serial number on the shell casing as it is fired. The trouble is that the technology doesn’t exist, meaning by 2010 you won’t be able to get a semi-automatic in this state.

Craig has some action items to get the attention of both the gun/ammunition manufacturers and the legislators, and you can read about it here.

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