HolyCoast: Here's a Case the ACLU Should Take
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Here's a Case the ACLU Should Take

If the ACLU really acted according to their charter, they'd jump on this case (from Special Report):
A student at Hamline University in Minnesota has been suspended and ordered to undergo a mental health evaluation for advocating the carrying of legal concealed weapons on campus.

TownHall.com reports Troy Scheffler made the case in an e-mail to a school official that licensed gun owners could stop or prevent the kind of violence that struck Virginia Tech earlier this year. He pointed out that research has indicated the possibility of armed resistance discourages potential criminals. And he noted that many Virginia Tech students have said the massacre there would not have happened if the school had not banned concealed weapons.

But even though the school has a policy that guarantees students will be free to discuss all questions of interest and express their opinions openly, the dean of students says Scheffler's e-mail was deemed to be threatening. Scheffler was placed on interim suspension, which will only be lifted after he agrees to a psychological evaluation.

Of course, the ACLU won't touch this case because the second amendment doesn't exist in their constitution. Had the student gotten in trouble for putting a crucifix in a jar of urine, they'd have been right on it.

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