HolyCoast: Romney: Disband the UN
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Romney: Disband the UN

Mitt Romney isn't doing his part to mend our relations with the rest of the world as demanded by the Dems:
PAWLEYS ISLAND, S.C. – Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney called the United Nations a failure on Thursday and said he would support a new coalition of the free nations of the world.

The former Massachusetts governor said the U.N. Human Rights Council has repeatedly condemned Israel while taking no action against nations with repressive regimes.

"The United Nations has been an extraordinary failure of late," Romney said in response to a question at a pancake house along the coast of early voting South Carolina. "We should withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council."

Actually, the United States doesn’t have a seat on the human rights council, which it has been boycotting.

Romney also said he would support a new "coalition of the free nations of the world and bring those nations together so that we can act together."
I agree with the part about disbanding the UN, but let's not waste our time and money starting a new coalition because you know they'll want their own building, special parking priviledges, diplomatic immunity, all that crap that the UN has now.

It's not 1945 anymore. We have email and satellite phone service and all the things which make communication easy enough that we don't have to have a whole new bureaucratic mess to maintain the contact. These things have a way of getting completely out of control.

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