HolyCoast: Illegals Stealing Relief Supplies From Qualcomm
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Illegals Stealing Relief Supplies From Qualcomm

Illegal aliens don't have a whole lot of support in San Diego County because county residents see first hand every day the damage uncontrolled immigration can cause. The illegals certainly won't gain any sympathy after this caper:
Six illegal immigrants who were suspected of stealing relief supplies from Qualcomm Stadium were arrested by Border Patrol agents after San Diego police stopped them Wednesday morning.

A woman who had been evacuated to the stadium told officers she saw the group load up two pickup trucks and a car with cots and other supplies, leave and then return, said police Sgt. Jesse Cesen~a.

When officers stopped them, a member of the group said they were being paid to take things of value from the stadium.

"They were stealing a lot of stuff," Cesen~a said. "We took the stuff back and we escorted them out. They were stealing from the people in need."

Because some members of the group spoke Spanish, officers called Border Patrol agents at the stadium for relief efforts. They determined the people were in the country illegally and arrested them.

The Border Patrol agents are among 100 that the federal agency has been providing for relief efforts, said agency spokesman Matthew Johnson. He said the agents are not looking for illegal immigrants among people seeking refuge at the stadium.

"We're not out there doing immigration stuff in the middle of a disaster," he said. "However, we still enforce the laws."

The Border Patrol may not be looking for them, but I'll bet a lot of evacuees will be.

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