HolyCoast: It's Time to Ban the Code Pinkos
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Time to Ban the Code Pinkos

Another congressional hearing, another immature outburst by a Code Pinko. This one actually got close enough to Condi Rice that she could have attacked her:

Where was the Secret Service? How in the world was this nutjob allowed to get that close to Sec. Rice?

It's time to ban the Code Pinkos from congressional hearings. They don't have a right to disrupt every meeting they attend. If someone shows up identified with the Code Pinkos directly or by past association, they shouldn't be allowed in. Period. They must have missed all the basic lessons on civility that they should have learned in kindergarten.

By the way, I would have paid good money to see Condi haul off and slug her.

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