HolyCoast: It's Over - Hillary Has it "In the Bag"
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Saturday, October 06, 2007

It's Over - Hillary Has it "In the Bag"

Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe isn't making that great an impression on Iowa voters:

Indeed, Mr. McAuliffe seriously alienated two Iowa Democrats during a drop-by at the Glenn Restaurant in Manchester, Iowa, on Wednesday. One of the Democrats, though, is a county precinct captain for Barack Obama, and another one is leaning pretty seriously toward Mr. Obama — and neither like Mrs. Clinton.

Their lack of neutrality aside, their description of some of Mr. McAuliffe’s remarks was intriguing. According to the two women — Pam Vislisel and Emma Edgington — Mr. McAuliffe argued:

Mrs. Clinton had the Democratic nomination almost sewn up;

If the election were held now, Mrs. Clinton would win Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and enough other states to win more than 350 Electoral College votes;

Mrs. Clinton was virtually moving to Iowa during the next three months to work her tail off to win the state’s first-in-the-nation nominating caucuses in January;

The Democratic nomination fight would be over after the Super-Duper Tuesday primaries on Feb. 5.

Neither woman could produce a recording of Mr. McAuliffe, nor were his remarks apparently covered by the local media. The women said in interviews that they found Mr. McAuliffe to be arrogant and boastful.

McAuliffe has been a busy guy. According to local radio news sources he was recently at an event supporting this guy:
A judge Thursday unsealed a 59-count indictment against celebrity fashion designer Anand Jon, who faces sexual assault charges involving at least 20 females, including would-be models, according to court documents.

Jon, 33, who initially was charged March 13, is being held without bail.

He faces charges that include forcible rape, lewd acts upon a child, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, sexual battery by restraint and attempted forcible oral copulation.

Prosecutors said two additional victims, bringing the total to 20, had come forward.

The victims are between the ages of 14 and 27, authorities said.
McAuliffe seems to like hanging out with sex criminals.

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