HolyCoast: Feel Free to Lie in Campaign Ads
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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Feel Free to Lie in Campaign Ads

Washington state has made it perfectly legal to lie all you want in campaign ads (from Special Report):
The Washington state Supreme Court has ruled that the government cannot stop political candidates from lying in campaign ads. The court ruled five-to-four that a state law aimed at punishing political candidates for false advertising violates free speech rights.

Justice Jim Johnson wrote for the majority — "There can be no doubt that false personal attacks are too common in political campaigns, with wide-ranging detrimental consequences ... However, government censorship ... is not a constitutionally permitted remedy."

But Justice Barbara Madsen called the ruling — "An invitation to lie with impunity." And she added — "It is little wonder that so many view political campaigns with distrust and cynicism."
Given the lying that's gone on this week on the floor of the House and Senate, this ruling probably comes right on time.

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