HolyCoast: Pandering for the Gospel
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pandering for the Gospel

Barack Obama claims to have the "Judgment to Lead", but in this case he's showing little more than the judgment to pander:

WASHINGTON (AP) — In response to an uproar from gay activists, Democrat Barack Obama's presidential campaign on Thursday added a gay minister to the lineup for its weekend gospel tour.

Gay activists had criticized Obama's "Embrace the Change" tour in South Carolina because the performers included gospel singer Donnie McClurkin, who says homosexuality is a choice.

Obama's campaign invited Rev. Andy Sidden, a South Carolina pastor who is openly gay, to appear on Sunday in Columbia.

Obama discussed Sidden's inclusion Thursday with Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, which supports gay rights.

In a statement, Solmonese said he thanked Obama for including Sidden but told the Illinois senator he was disappointed McClurkin will remain part of the program.

"There is no gospel in Donnie McClurkin's message for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their allies," Solmonese said. "That's a message that certainly doesn't belong on any presidential candidate's stage."
If he uses McClurkin but doesn't "sanitize" the stage by including a gay minister, he ticks off the gays. If he keeps the gay pastor but drops McClurkin, he ticks off blacks to support McClurkin's message (and there are a lot of them). So, taking a cue from the Old Testament, he split the baby.

A real leader for our times.

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