HolyCoast: Pelosi Growing Tired of Idiots on Her Lawn
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pelosi Growing Tired of Idiots on Her Lawn

This story could almost be connected to this one involving homeless in San Francisco. During an interview with Dana Milbank, Nancy Pelosi expressed some dissatisfaction with the antiwar weirdos hanging out in her front yard (h/t Gateway Pundit):
"Look," she said, the chicken breast on her plate untouched. "I had, for five months, people sitting outside my home, going into my garden in San Francisco, angering neighbors, hanging their clothes from trees, building all kinds of things -- Buddhas? I don't know what they were -- couches, sofas, chairs, permanent living facilities on my front sidewalk."

Unsmilingly, she continued: "If they were poor and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they would be arrested for loitering, but because they have 'Impeach Bush' across their chest, it's the First Amendment."

...Pelosi's fixed and constant smile makes her appear as if she is cutting an ad for a whitening toothpaste. But when you listen to the words that come from her grinning maw, the smile seems more akin to that of a barracuda.

I commented on these folks once before. I personally don't understand why an "Impeach Bush" t-shirt gives them a right to trespass. You do not have a free speech right to violate other people's property. Pelosi is just too afraid of the antiwar left to have them arrested.

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