HolyCoast: She Is Woman, Hear Her Roar
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Monday, October 15, 2007

She Is Woman, Hear Her Roar

Hillary Clinton has decided to play up the fact that she's a woman (who knew??) in her bid for the presidency:

Hillary Clinton's campaign Monday made its most overt bid yet to highlight her historic potential as the possible first US woman president, suggesting female voters could vault her to victory.

The front-running Democrat kicked off a week of events highlighting her perceived appeal to women, as her campaign released a memo implying she could best exploit the "pivotal" voting bloc in 2008.

"Women are and will be a powerful force in American politics this presidential election," the memo said.

"They were the critical swing voters in the last three elections and they promise to again play a pivotal role in this one," Clinton's top strategist Mark Penn wrote in the memo.

Segoline Royal tried that gambit in the French election but only garnered 48% of the female vote. Women are not a single voting bloc and won't blindly follow Clinton just because she has the right combination of chromosomes.

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