HolyCoast: The Surge To Make Hillary Human
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Surge To Make Hillary Human

There's quite a media surge going on this week to humanize Hillary, and this story is just the latest in the effort:
Mark Penn, the pollster and senior strategist of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, predicted Thursday that nearly a quarter of Republican women would defect from the GOP if the New York senator is the Democratic presidential nominee in 2008.

At a breakfast with political reporters, Penn said his internal polling shows Clinton would win over some 24 percent of Republican women in the 2008 general election because of the “emotional” appeal of electing the country’s first woman president.

Baloney. For one thing I don't think women are so anxious to abandon their principles that they would flock to a woman candidate just because she's a woman. Penn is essentially suggesting that women are emotional airheads who will be so giddy at the prospect of a woman president that they'll forget everything they ever believed about the important issues of the day. If that's the only rationale for their voting decision then maybe Ann Coulter was right and women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Secondly and what you'll never hear from Mark Penn is the percentage of men who won't vote for Hillary (from both parties) because she reminds them of all of their ex-wives combined.

If Hillary is seriously counting on a crossover vote from Republican women, she's been smoking something that's probably illegal.

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