HolyCoast: McCain Wants the Senate to Apologize for Slavery
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

McCain Wants the Senate to Apologize for Slavery

I didn't even know the Senate had slaves, but apparently they do because John McCain wants them to apologize:
Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Wednesday the Senate should apologize for slavery and segregation, calling them “dark chapters in our history.” (ed. note: No pun intended)

McCain said he would support a planned resolution by fellow Republican Sen. Sam Brownback, who is also seeking the presidency, to apologize for racist laws, some of which ended more than a century ago.

“They were federal policies,” Brownback told the Boston Globe on Monday. “They were wrong. The only way for us to move forward . . . is at the end of the day acknowledging those, taking ownership for it, and asking for forgiveness.”

McCain agreed with Brownback’s approach.
I hope McCain will also agree with Brownback's approach to the '08 campaign and join him in leaving the race.

As Rush said on his program, McCain is trying to win back his base...the mainstream media. They love these guilt-fests like slavery apologies and condemning our allies in Turkey for attrocities that occurred 100 years ago.

There were reports that the McCain campaign was making a comeback. You can cancel that.

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