HolyCoast: Two Jena 6 Thugs Honored at BET Awards
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Two Jena 6 Thugs Honored at BET Awards

Wanna be famous? Get some of your friends together and beat a white kid into unconsciousness because of his race:
Two of the teens enmeshed in the nationally known "Jena Six" case helped present the most anticipated award during Black Entertainment Television's Hip Hop Awards show broadcast Thursday night.

Carwin Jones and Bryant Purvis were introduced by Katt Williams, a comedian and the awards show's host, as two of the students involved in a case of "systematic racism."

"By no means are we condoning a six-on-one beat-down," Williams said during his introduction of the teens, one of whom is still facing attempted murder charges in connection with the attack on white student Justin Barker. "... But the injustice perpetrated on these young men is straight criminal."

As Jones and Purvis walked onto the stage at the Atlanta Civic Center, where the awards show was filmed on Saturday, they were greeted by a standing ovation.
Stories like this make me think Dr. Watson was right.

UPDATE: For the real facts of the Jena 6 case, look here.

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