HolyCoast: Republican National Committee Chairman to Step Down
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Republican National Committee Chairman to Step Down

Thank goodness:

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Florida Sen. Mel Martinez plans to step down as general chairman of the Republican National Committee, after serving just nine months on the job, CNN has learned.

Two GOP sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity, tell CNN an announcement is planned for later Friday.

The sources say Martinez feels he has accomplished his goal of helping the RNC improve its financial standing after the 2006 midterm drubbing.

Martinez has been a disaster. The GOP is getting killed in donations compared to the Dems, and certainly that's not all Martinez' fault, but the GOP needs somebody who can devote their full time to the effort and not juggle an elected position at the same time. After seeing pictures of Martinez yucking it up with Teddy Kennedy and other Dems during the immigration bill fiasco, I'm not sorry to see him go.

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