HolyCoast: Campaign Calls at 2am
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Friday, November 02, 2007

Campaign Calls at 2am

Here's how not to get voters to like you:
It's 2 a.m. Do you know whom you're voting for?

That question confronted 3,000 voters across Peekskill, Cortlandt and Yorktown who were jarred awake by a campaign call for Democrat Domenic Volpe. Volpe is seeking to unseat county Legislator George Oros, R-Cortlandt, in Tuesday's election.

"First of all, I hate those recorded messages," said registered Democrat Eileen Curinga of Montrose. "But secondly, I didn't know whether this was sabotage or just stupidity. Either way, its not right that somebody calls at 2 o'clock in the morning."

The 30-second call attacking Oros over legislative pay raises targeted Democrats, Independence Party members and unaffiliated voters.
They may have stumbled on a great dirty tricks technique. Simply create a robocall that sounds like it's coming from your opponent, and then have those calls made at an ungodly hour. Most of the people called will never realize that it was a prank.

I bet somebody comes out with legislation against this real soon.

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