HolyCoast: The Boys Are Picking On Me!
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Friday, November 02, 2007

The Boys Are Picking On Me!

Hillary Clinton has really fouled up the post-debate spin. Rather than explain what her positions really are (since no one is still sure what she was trying to say), she's chosen to play the gender card and claim that "all the boys are picking on me!". She pulled that routine at her alma mater yesterday, and today Barack Obama is calling her on it:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama, the only black candidate for president, accused rival Hillary Clinton on Friday of hiding behind her gender after she was pummeled in a debate with six male candidates.

"I am assuming and I hope that Sen. Clinton wants to be treated like everybody else," the Illinois senator said in an interview with NBC's "Today Show."

"When we had a debate back in Iowa awhile back, we spent I think the first 15 minutes of the debate hitting me on various foreign policy issues. And I didn't come out and say: 'Look, I'm being hit on because I look different from the rest of the folks on the stage'," he said.

"I assumed it was because there were real policy differences there, and I think that has to be the attitude that all of us take. We're not running for the president of the city council. We're running for the presidency of the United States."

He was speaking a day after New York Sen. Clinton -- the only woman running for president -- urged women voters to rally behind her against "the boys club of presidential politics."
Good for him. Clinton's response to the debate almost sounds like some Victorian belle retiring to her fainting couch after being exposed to something "scandalous".

As Fred Barnes explained yesterday on Special Report the debate wasn't six guys beating up on a girl, but six also-rans beating up on the front runner - something that happens in every election debate. If Hillary can't handle the pressures of being the leader, the presidency is definitely not for her.

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