HolyCoast: CNN's Planted Questions
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Friday, November 16, 2007

CNN's Planted Questions

That "diamonds or pearls" question for Hillary that ended last night's Dem debate was not coincidental. According to the college girl that asked it, all audience questions were planned and censored by CNN, and when they were running out of time, they decided to give Hillary that softball. Here's what she wrote on her MySpace page according to The Atlantic:
"CNN ran out of time and used me to "close" the debate with the pearls/diamonds question. Seconds later this girl comes up to me and says, "you gave our school a bad reputation.' Well, I had to explain to her that every question from the audience was pre-planned and censored. That's what the media does. See, the media chose what they wanted, not what the people or audience really wanted. That's politics; that's reality. So, if you want to read about real issues important to America--and the whole world, I suggest you pick up a copy of the Economist or the New York Times or some other independent source. If you want me to explain to you how the media works, I am more than happy to do so. But do not judge me or my integrity based on that question."
It looks like instead of getting a Wolf for a moderator, they got a poodle.

UPDATE: More info here from Fox News which is really enjoying this latest goof by CNN.

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