HolyCoast: D.C. Needs to Control Something Other Than Guns
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

D.C. Needs to Control Something Other Than Guns

I've been covering the ongoing court case involving the D.C. gun ban, but based on this story, the folks in Washington need to stop worrying about guns and start controlling something else:
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 — The District of Columbia has the highest rate of AIDS infection of any city in the country and the disease is being transmitted to infants, older adults, women and heterosexual men at an epidemic pace, according to a report released Monday by city health officials.

The report said more than 12,400 people in the city — about 1 in 50 — are living with AIDS or H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS.
I never would have guessed they'd beat out San Francisco or West Hollywood. That takes some real effort.

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