HolyCoast: Green Baloney
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Friday, November 09, 2007

Green Baloney

If you've watched anything on NBC this week you've been treated to the green peacock logo and shows which all had an environmental theme, including the sitcoms like 30 Rock and Scrubs. 30 Rock even managed to work Al Gore into the show, though his presence was clearly an afterthought to the script. All the "greening" of the network has about as much appeal to me as the green baloney Sheriff Joe Arpaio serves the prisoners his jail in Maricopa County, AZ.

Even the local NBC affiliate news broadcasts had "green" segments encouraging all of us to give Mother Earth a big wet kiss. During one segment the weather guy hoisted a number of object and asked if each could be recycled. I said "yes, you can recycle all of those". My wife disagreed and when the results were announced, only two of the four items were officially recyclable and she was feeling pretty smug.

"But", I said, "I disagree. I know for a fact that you can throw anything you want into the recycle bin and every Thursday somebody will come and take it away. That's all I need to know about recycling - what they do with it after they pick it up is their problem."

I got a dirty look.

Jonah Goldberg has a column on NBC's Green Week here.

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