HolyCoast: Here Comes the Mormon Issue
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Friday, November 16, 2007

Here Comes the Mormon Issue

I knew this would come up some time soon, but it looks like some organization, whether directly connected with a candidate or not, is push-polling Iowa voters with negative information about Mitt Romney and Mormanism:
In an apparent push poll, a research firm has called Iowa Republicans this week praising John McCain and critcizing Mitt Romney and his Mormon faith.

An individual in Manchester, Iowa, contacted me on Wednesday night saying he received a call with information about McCain's military service and anti-spending record.

Then there were "lots of negatives on Romney," said the recepient of the call in an e-mail, including mentions of his "flip-flops," hiring illegal immigrants as landscapers and extensive discussion of Mormonism.

"Statements were on baptizing the dead, the Book of Mormon being on the level of the Bible, and one about equating it to a cult," said the Iowan, deeming them "common criticisms of Mormonism."

"I think they asked twice if being a Mormon would be an issue," this person added.
The person conducting the call said he didn't know who they were polling for, said the source.

McCain's campaign, which has fielded calls into their Iowa headquarters complaining of similar such calls, emphatically denies responsibility.
Like it or not there's a lot of weirdness in Mormanism that probably won't play that well in the Bible belt. It's an area of weakness for Romney (though I'm sure he wouldn't agree) and I fully expect that before January 3rd Republican voters in Iowa will know a lot more about Mormanism than they do now, and it will effect the eventual vote.

I personally think it's a deal killer in a national campaign and probably a major reason why Romney ranks so poorly in the national polls.

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