HolyCoast: Hillary Wins By Default
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Friday, November 16, 2007

Hillary Wins By Default

After reviewing several live blogs of the Dem debate (I didn't watch it myself), it appears that Hillary wins by default. It's not that she's that much better, but that her opponents are that much worse. It's as though the fix is in and they did whatever they had to do to resurrect her campaign. She's probably unstoppable now, though that could be good news for Republicans given her high negatives.

Michelle Malkin rates the debate this way:
Hillary: C plus. Kept cackles to a minimum.
Obama: D. For dud. He looked and sounded like a state senator from Illinois, not the next president of the United States.
Wolf Blitzer: D. You’re no Tim Russert, Wolf.
Biden: A for shooting down Denny K’s nutroots antics and for calling out Suzanne Malveaux’s agenda-pushing.
Suzanne Malveaux: F, F, F. She was suffering from pushy stage mother syndrome tonight. How embarrassing.

Oops, I forgot Edwards: L for loser. No one can stand him–left, right, or center.

Hillary even got the "boxers or briefs" question from a UNLV ditsy chick, only this one was worded for a female candidate: diamonds or pearls. How stupid.

There's no longer any reason for Republicans to concern themselves with Edwards, Obama, or any other Dem candidate. They can't win.

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