HolyCoast: Hillary Pressured Spitzer to Dump Illegal Alien License Program
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hillary Pressured Spitzer to Dump Illegal Alien License Program

A sage I know had this to say Wednesday morning:

Secondly, the Clintons can't afford to have this out there as a continuing issue and I'd be shocked if they didn't have something to do with Spitzer's decision.

Maybe they promised him an unplanned trip to Fort Marcy Park if he didn't cooperate.
And then there's this story from Newsbusters:

Captain Renault would be shocked: Hillary Clinton's campaign put pressure on Eliot Spitzer to drop his disastrous licenses-for-illegals plan.

The word came from crack NY Post Albany reporter Fred Dicker [pictured
here], appearing on this afternoon's Hardball.

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Clinton has now announced, for the 6th or 7th time, her views on licenses for illegals. You can follow the entire tortured course at Captain's Quarters. Whether or not she's successfully killed this as a campaign issue is still to be seen.

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