HolyCoast: Newt Cuts Hillary's Chances from 80% to 50%
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Friday, November 02, 2007

Newt Cuts Hillary's Chances from 80% to 50%

Newt Gingrich thinks Hillary really stepped in it during the debate this week (from The Corner):
Newt Gingrich called in to Sean Hannity's radio program to discuss Hillary Clinton's debate performance. Highlights:

“Her performance in that debate was so bad, on issues that matter so much, she may not be able to recover from it… This issue of Spitzer trying to give out d l to people at a time when your driver’s licenseallows you to vote – for her to trap herself into saying that creates a big wound…

The fact that she said she’s basically sympathetic with Rangel’s trillion dollar tax increase – that’s going to arouse some deep opposition. The huge Democratic tax increase allowed us to win in 1994… Then, I saw in a ticker on Fox News, when Sen. Edwards said nominating her would be ‘a victory for a corruption machine’… it brings back a lot of memories of the Chinese funding scandals of 1996… It takes her winning the nomination from an 80 percent likelihood to a 50 percent. It’s even money. If she doesn’t turn this around quick, I may have to call back in and take it even lower.”

Newt wants senators to try to get an amendment on a bill banning states from offering driver’s licenses to those who are in the country illegally.
In a similar article, Bush 41 is having doubt that Clinton will even win the nomination:
George H.W. Bush on FOX News Sunday’s “American Leaders” series with Chris Wallace.

“Well, look, if she’s the nominee, I obviously will be for her opponent. I thought a few weeks ago that she was almost a ‘gimme’, as we say in golf, for the nomination. I’m not sure I feel that way now. Well, there seems to be more kind of internal — in her own party there seems to be more willingness to take her on and to argue about stuff. But she’s a formidable opponent and she’s done very well, in my view. Now would I be for her? No.”

“I’m not sure that — you know, again, I want to be on record as just saying I don’t necessarily believe Hillary is going to win the primary, to say nothing of the general election. But the American people have a way of sorting these things out. And they go to caucuses or go to the primaries and just work, grind your way up the — to whatever lies ahead, and that’s what’s happened. There hasn’t been any anointing in the process.”
The post-debate spin has certainly turned against Hillary. Suddenly she's not so invincible after all.

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