HolyCoast: Baseball Steroid Report Out Today
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Baseball Steroid Report Out Today

This will not be a good day for baseball:

NEW YORK, Dec. 13 (AP) - (Kyodo)—The Mitchell report on use of performance-enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball is set to be released Thursday afternoon.

The report, compiled by former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, after a 20-month investigation into what has become known as the "Steroid Era," will be about 300 pages, U.S. media reported.

The names of 60 to 80 former and current major league players are believed to be included in the report on performance-enhancing drugs, the New York Daily News reported Wednesday.

I'll post the list once it's released. Some of the names I'm hearing are pretty disappointing.

UPDATE: Here's the list of ballplayers mentioned in the Mitchell report:

Information Learned During this Investigation Concerning BALCO and Major League Baseball (8 players/ 3 active in MLB in 2007)

From the report: "I requested interviews of all the major league players who had been publicly implicated in the BALCO case."

Marvin Benard, Barry Bonds, Bobby Estalella, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi, Benito Santiago, Gary Sheffield, Randy Velarde

Information Regarding Purchases or Use of Performance Enhancing Substances by Players in Major League Baseball (53 players/ 18 active in MLB in 2007)
From the report: "The following discussion is organized in roughly chronological order. Records do not exist to document every transaction described by witnesses. [Kirk] Radomski stated that, with one exception noted below, the payments he received from professional baseball players were for performance enhancing substances, as opposed to personal training or other services, and this assertion was confirmed by those players who agreed to speak with us about their dealings with him."

Lenny Dykstra, David Segui, Larry Bigbie, Brian Roberts, Jack Cust, Tim Laker, Josias Manzanillo, Todd Hundley, Mark Carreon, Hal Morris, Matt Franco, Rondell White, Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Chuck Knoblauch, Jason Grimsley, Gregg Zaun, David Justice, F.P. Santangelo, Glenallen Hill, Mo Vaughn, Denny Neagle, Ron Villone, Ryan Franklin, Chris Donnels, Todd Williams, Phil Hiatt, Kevin Young, Mike Lansing, Cody McKay, Kent Mercker, Adam Piatt, Miguel Tejada, Jason Christiansen, Mike Stanton, Stephen Randolph, Jerry Hairston, Jr., Paul Lo Duca, Adam Riggs, Bart Miadich, Fernando Vina, Kevin Brown, Eric Gagné, Mike Bell, Matt Herges, Gary Bennett, Jr., Jim Parque, Brendan Donnelly, Chad Allen, Jeff Williams, Howie Clark, Exavier "Nook" Logan

Alleged Internet Purchases of Performance Enhancing Substances By Players in Major League Baseball (16 players, 8 active in MLB in 2007)
From the report: "Since the initial news reports of the raid by New York and Florida law enforcement officials on Signature Pharmacy and several rejuvenation centers, the names of several current and former major league players have appeared in the media as alleged purchasers of performance enhancing substances through these operations. These include:"

Rick Ankiel, Paul Byrd, Jay Gibbons, Troy Glaus, Jose Guillen, Jerry Hairston Jr., Gary Matthews, Jr., Scott Schoeneweis, David Bell, Jose Canseco, Jason Grimsley, Darren Holmes, John Rocker, Ismael Valdez, Matt Williams, Steve Woodard

There are a lot of names on there that I don't recognize. It's clear that using steroids is not an automatic tickets to stardom. Some of these guys were banjo hitters at best and barely made a dent in the Major Leagues. Maybe they wouldn't have gotten there at all without the drugs - who knows?

So what happens now? Does MLB throw guys out of baseball? Do they put an asterisk next to the names of every one of these guys who appears in the record books?

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