HolyCoast: Mayor of Santa Rosa Won't Sign Impeachment Resolution
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mayor of Santa Rosa Won't Sign Impeachment Resolution

In a follow-up to this item, the mayor of Santa Rosa, CA, showing a flicker of common sense, refused to sign the city resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney:
Mayor Bob Blanchard of Santa Rosa said he's signed dozens of resolutions passed by the City Council, even some he opposed.

But Blanchard refused Tuesday to sign a resolution passed on a 5-1 vote last week that called on Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

"This is not city business," said Blanchard, who believes the council should not consider resolutions that deal with state or federal matters.

The council vote stoked a firestorm over whether local elected officials should take stances on federal issues that reflect on the city's entire population.

Several people addressed the council Tuesday, some applauding the impeachment vote and one saying the council had overstepped its bounds.

Councilman Lee Pierce, asked by Blanchard if he'd sign the resolution as the city's vice mayor, agreed "on behalf of the other four council members, the 2,000 who signed the petition and to act as a conduit for the people."

Of course, like a true NorCal lib he couldn't hold it completely together and had to ask the Vice Mayor to sign it to appease the angry citizenry.

I love it when meaningless little burgs like Santa Rosa pull stunts like this. All it does is portray them as completely lacking in common sense and even a basic knowledge of the Constitution. Cities can't impeach presidents.

The people that promote these efforts are so caught up in their Bush Derangement Syndrome that they can't even look at the calendar and realize that Bush has no more than 13 months in office, and the chances of impeachment in the House is pretty much nil. The House can't even get the basic spending bills done (that were supposed to be completed by October 1) thanks to the many investigations, hearings and flawed Iraq resolutions that have occupied their time. They won't have time to mess with impeachment in a presidential election year.

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