HolyCoast: The Clinton Smear Machine Hits High Gear
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Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Clinton Smear Machine Hits High Gear

If there was ever a sure sign of desperation on the part of the Clinton campaign, here it is:
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - A top adviser to Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign said Wednesday that Democrats should give more thought to Sen. Barack Obama's admissions of illegal drug use before they pick a presidential candidate.

Obama's campaign said the Clinton people were getting desperate. Clinton's campaign tried to distance itself from the remarks.

Bill Shaheen, a national co-chairman of Clinton's front-runner campaign, raised the issue during an interview with The Washington Post, posted on washingtonpost.com.

Shaheen, an attorney and veteran organizer, said much of Obama's background is unknown and could be a problem in November 2008 if he is the Democratic nominee. He said the Republicans would work hard to discover new aspects of Obama's admittedly spotty youth.

"It'll be, 'When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?'" said Shaheen, whose wife Jeanne is the state's former governor and is running for the U.S. Senate next year.

"There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It's hard to overcome," Shaheen said.

Clinton's campaign said it had nothing to do with his comments.

Yeah....right. This is classic Clinton smear machine. Find a surrogate (the candidate would never make statements like that), make damaging claims about your opponent, and then claim plausible deniability. It's Slick Willieism at its best. The campaign is clearly panicked about falling poll numbers and will begin dragging out everything they have in order try and salvage the "inevitable" campaign.

UPDATE: Clinton official apologizes for Obama drug comment

Yeah, sure. Of course, the damage has already been done, which was the intent in the first place.

UPDATE 2: Shaheen resigns from Clinton campaign. I guess he served his purpose and now he must fall on his sword.

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