HolyCoast: The Shrill Shill
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Shrill Shill

Hugh Hewitt is becoming almost unreadable. He's a smart guy and I enjoy much of what he does, but he's become such a shrill shill for Mitt Romney that even Iowahawk did a hilarious (and right on point) parody of his response to Romney's "Mormon" speech. Today he continues in his efforts to knock the pins out from under Mike Huckabee's campaign with this gem:
Huck asks in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine, "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?"

No word yet on whether the former Arkansas governor asked if the Jews killed Jesus or if Catholics pray to Mary as a god.

When your campaign is in trouble, it is better to focus on the trouble and fix, not set it ablaze.
I guess the new definition for "in trouble" is "leading in all the polls by double-digit margins". Hugh wrote a book about Romney and clearly thinks the sun rises and sets over Mitt's hard working illegal immigrant gardeners. However, the only one in trouble right now is Romney and should he lose the nomination (which seems quite likely), what in the world is Hugh going to talk about on his show now that he's savaged all the remaining candidates? And why would they want to talk to him?

Yes, National Review just endorsed Romney for president (much to the delight of Hugh), but a few years ago they endorsed Phil Gramm. How'd that work out?

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