HolyCoast: Fire at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fire at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building

A fire has broken out at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building which is located right next ot the White House. It appears to be an electrical problem on the 2nd floor.

Here's a photo of the building that I took a couple years ago when I visited Washington.

Much of the White House staff works in that building which was built in the late 1800's. In 1957 President Eisenhower wanted to tear the building down and replace it, but it was kept and for seven years during the current Administration there has been a huge remodeling effort underway.

It's a huge building with something like 2 miles of hallways - a real challenge for firefighters.

From CNN:

Thick, black smoke is pouring from windows at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building about 100 feet from the West Wing of the White House. The Associated Press reports the blaze appears to be located near the ceremonial office of Vice President Dick Cheney on the second floor of the building. Cheney was across the street at the White House at the time.
UPDATE: Oh brother, the nutroots are already crying "Reichstag!!" since the fire occurred near the Vice President's ceremonial office. They're convinced Cheney is burning secret documents to keep them out of Pelosi and Reid's hands.

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