HolyCoast: TIME Blows It Again
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

TIME Blows It Again

Time Magazine has announced their "Person of the Year". I'm sure you were expecting it to be Gen. David Petraeus given the way he's cleaned out the Iraq swamp and won the battles at home as well. Or perhaps President Bush for the way this "lame duck" president managed to stifle the Democrats and get pretty much everything he wanted. Or perhaps you expected them to take the politically correct route and go with Al Gore since liberals everywhere are lining up to give him awards.

Well, you'd be wrong. They chose Russian President Vladimir Putin who is doing everything he can to keep himself in power. His impact on the rest of the world? Negligible in my view, and yet somehow he's chosen by Time.

That's not even as good a choice as last year's when everybody got to be Person of the Year.

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