HolyCoast: The Hucker and the Toe-Sucker
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Monday, December 03, 2007

The Hucker and the Toe-Sucker

I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for an excuse to write a post title like that. It refers to Mike Huckabee (when you have a name like "Huckabee" it gives bloggers all sorts of nickname opportunities) and Dick Morris, at one time known for his toe-sucking proclivities with various D.C. hookers. It seems they've "hooked up" a bit themselves:
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has been holding private conversations with Dick Morris, according to aides, a long-standing relationship that is raising new questions as Huckabee’s campaign begins to take off.

Morris’ most prominent calling card has been with Bill Clinton — for two decades, starting in 1977, as his most influential (if sometimes erratic) political adviser and for the past decade as one of his most persistent (if sometimes erratic) public critics.

But the Arkansas connection the controversial consultant and commentator established through Clinton also brought Huckabee onto his client roster, beginning in 1993 when he advised the Republican’s winning campaign for lieutenant governor.

Morris lately has been lavishing praise in newspaper columns and television appearances on Huckabee, whose polished debate performances and recent gains in the polls in Iowa have given him a chance to penetrate the top tier among the GOP candidates.
Those Arkansas ties are hard to break.

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