HolyCoast: McCain Gets Major NH Endorsement
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Monday, December 03, 2007

McCain Gets Major NH Endorsement

Political watchers and claiming that this is a pretty big deal:
(CNN)–GOP presidential hopeful John McCain received a major endorsement of his candidacy Sunday, from the New Hampshire Union Leader, New Hampshire's largest and most influential newspaper.

"We don't agree with him on every issue. We disagree with him strongly on campaign finance reform," the paper wrote in its Sunday edition. "What is most compelling about McCain, however, is that his record, his character, and his courage show him to be the most trustworthy, competent, and conservative of all those seeking the nomination. Simply put, McCain can be trusted to make informed decisions based on the best interests of his country, come hell or high water."

The newspaper's traditionally conservative editorial page is influential to the state's Republican primary voters who vote in the first Republican primary on the presidential nominating calendar. The endorsement is among the most coveted and sought after of the candidates in the GOP field each election cycle.
With Huckabee now taking the lead in Iowa and this big McCain endorsement in New Hampshire, the good ship Romney is taking on some water. He really needs to win one or both of those early contests or he may fade as quickly as Howard Dean did in '04.

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