HolyCoast: My Iowa Endorsement
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Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Iowa Endorsement

Before I give my endorsement for the Iowa caucus, let me show you what's going on on the other side. This is the endorsement from a diarist at the DailyKos, the wacky left's flagship blog:

Why You Should Vote for Whoever You Want

Because none of the Democratic candidates suck. No. really. Despite what you've heard from various people around this place lately, none of the "Democrats" is really a Republican, none of them are Bush-lite, and none of them killed your mother and then hid her body. That evil, centrist Hillary Clinton has a Progressive Punch Score of 91%, good for 16th in the whole senate. And that noted hater of labor, Barack Obama, has excellent ratings from labor organizations. Joe Biden, despite an unfortunate tendency to open mouth and insert foot, has been the best critic of the Republican field. Dennis Kucinich, for all of his quirks, is the most uncompromisingly liberal voice in the race. Chris Dodd has been the loudest voice in the whole field on civil liberties issues. And John Edwards, well, read pretty much any diary on this site to find out why people like John Edwards.

So, seriously, there really isn't an obviously wrong choice in this cycle. There is no Zell Miller or Joe Lieberman running for president (Want proof? Lieberman had to back a Republican to find a candidate who was in line with his views). Vote for who you want. The only wrong answer is to get so miffed that your candidate lost that you don't throw your weight behind whoever emerges the victor.

So, the wacky left has reconciled themselves to support whoever wins. That's actually a good strategy, which is why I'm endorsing in Iowa...the winner.

Boy, that was courageous. My only goal at this point for 2008 is to vote for whichever candidate has the (R) next to his name, though if it turns out to be Ron Paul I may have to rethink that. John McCain would cause me some heartburn as well.

Like many Republicans I've gone through several candidates who I wanted to support. I was originally a Rudy guy, and then Fred Thompson toyed with my affections before forgetting to campaign, and now I'm pretty much stuck with whoever ends up the nominee. At this point I'm a rather unenthused Republican, and unenthused voters are not what the GOP needs right now.

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