HolyCoast: President Bush Needs to Visit Vermont
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Saturday, December 29, 2007

President Bush Needs to Visit Vermont

A nothing little town in Vermont has decided to one-up the city of Santa Rosa, CA in its quest for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney:
MONTPELIER, Vermont (AP) -- President Bush may soon have a new reason to avoid left-leaning Vermont: In one town, activists want him subject to arrest for war crimes.

A group in Brattleboro is petitioning to put an item on a town meeting agenda in March that would make Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney subject to arrest and indictment if they visit the southeastern Vermont community.

"This petition is as radical as the Declaration of Independence, and it draws on that tradition in claiming a universal jurisdiction when governments fail to do what they're supposed to do," said Kurt Daims, 54, a retired machinist leading the drive.

As president, Bush has visited every state except Vermont. ...

"I would not be supportive of it," said Stephen Steidle, a member of the town's Selectboard, which oversees its government.

"It's well outside of our ability. From my perspective, the Brattleboro Selectboard needs to focus on the town and the things that need to be done here."
You ought to look at the article and see the photo of the moonbat who's promoting this. He's even wearing his little red commie "Che" beret. Very cute. The article also mentions that he's a retired machinist at only age 54. I wonder how many government programs he's on?

If the town goes forward with this, the day they sign it President Bush ought to fly Marine One and land right in the town square and say "come on and get me, you idiots!". He's been pretty feisty lately and this would make for some good TV.

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