HolyCoast: Berkeley's Latest Attack on the Military
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Berkeley's Latest Attack on the Military

The aging hippies and malcontents that populate Berkeley, CA have tried their best to get rid of military recruiters in their city. Now they're going to try and put recruiting stations in the same category as porn shops:
Peace activists in Berkeley, California want to make it much more difficult for military recruiters to set up shop in their town — by creating a new restriction modeled after laws pertaining to adult-oriented businesses.

Media reports say a proposed ballot initiative would prohibit recruiting offices within 600 feet of residential districts, public parks, schools, and churches.

Supporters say they want to protect young people from what they call the detrimental, dangerous influence of military recruiters. Berkeley activists were incensed last year when the Marines opened a recruiting office — and they say they still hope to eventually get rid of it.
Actually, if a porn shop wanted to move into Berkeley they'd probably be welcomed with open zippers.

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