HolyCoast: Bill Clinton Grovels to The Rev. Al
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bill Clinton Grovels to The Rev. Al

In a follow-up to this item, Bill Clinton called in to the Rev. Al Sharpton radio show to try and salvage the Clinton's standing with African-Americans:
Bill Clinton just called into Al Sharpton’s radio show to explain what he meant when he referred to Barack Obama’s campaign as a fairytale.

“First of all, that’s not true,” Clinton said. “It’s not a fairytale. He might win. I think he’s a very impressive man and he’s run a great campaign. I was addressing a specific argument [Obama made] that had never been brought up in the debate.”

Obama's argument, Clinton said, was that “[Obama's] relative lack of service in the Senate was not relevant, because he had better judgment than all the Democrats, because he had always been against the Iraq war in every year. And he enumerated the years from 2002 to 2007. And I pointed out that he had never been asked about his statements in 2004, that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the war resolution. And there was, at that time, there was no difference between his position and President Bush’s.”

“Wait a minute," said Sharpton, who hasn't yet endorsed a candidate. "Senator Obama said there was no difference in his position and President Bush’s?”

“In 2004,” Clinton responded affirmatively. “Look, there could be a perfectly good explanation for it [why he would say that]. Maybe he felt once it was done, he just wanted it to work, including the U.N. My point is it disproves the argument that everybody else was wrong and he was right.”

After praising Obama again, Clinton added, “And I have gone out of my way not to express any personal disrespect for him or his campaign, even when they’ve been fairly critical of me and Hillary.”
Can you name me one white guy who has gone on an apology tour with Al Sharpton and gotten away unscathed? Just ask Michael Richards and Don Imus how it went with them.

Sharpton will try and extort some favors from Clinton with threats of going public with more criticism that would potentially further damage the Clintons with their formerly loyal black base.

In other news, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is no fan of Bubba right now either:
Illinois Democratic Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is ripping the media — and the Clintons — over their conduct in the presidential race. Jackson is national campaign co-chairman for Barack Obama.

The congressman told a Chicago radio station that the media have given Bill Clinton a platform from which to attack Obama while Hillary Clinton — "is sitting around somewhere in a deli" — talking to voters and having what he called "sensitive moments." He says the Clintons are like a tag team wrestling duo that takes turns beating up on Obama.

Jackson says — "the media just needs to tell Bill Clinton to butt out."

Looks like the "first black president" has he was once named is losing his groove.

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