HolyCoast: Bummer, Dude
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Friday, January 25, 2008

Bummer, Dude

The California Supreme Court affirmed the Federal Government right to supercede State laws in the matter of "medical" marijuana:
SAN FRANCISCO -- California employers may fire workers for using medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation while off duty even if the drug does not impair an employee's performance, the California Supreme Court ruled 5 to 2 today.

The state high court's ruling weakened an already beleaguered 1996 law that prohibits the state from criminalizing the medical use of marijuana. The court said the Compassionate Use Act, passed by voters, imposed no requirements on employers.

"The Compassionate Use Act does not eliminate marijuana's potential for abuse or the employer's legitimate interest in whether an employee uses the drug," Justice Kathryn M. Werdegar wrote for the majority.

This entire law should have been struck down long ago. It's never been legal to use marijuana in California under any circumstances because it's always been illegal under Federal law.

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