HolyCoast: The Clinton's Words Come Back to Bite Them
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Friday, January 25, 2008

The Clinton's Words Come Back to Bite Them

Leave it to Drudge to mess up the Clinton's plans to smear Barack Obama. This morning Drudge has a big picture of Bill and Hillary posing with Tony Rezko, the "slumlord" whose name was thrown at Barack Obama in the debate the other night. It turns out that the Clintons had also met Rezko, as evidenced by the picture.

It is unknown whether anyone will be able to come up with a direct connection between Clinton and Rezko, but that photo will take some of the sting out of their charges against Obama.

Meanwhile, Clinton is now running ads on Los Angeles TV. Her first ad is all about her plans to take $50 billion from oil companies to fund alternative energy programs to "reduce our dependence on foreign oil". Of course, in Clinton's world you can take $50 billion and the oil companies will just eat it. In the real world when you take $50 billion from oil companies they pass that loss along to the consumers of their products, which means higher prices for gasoline and other refined products.

She doesn't know what she's doing.

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