HolyCoast: Can Hill Chill Bill?
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Can Hill Chill Bill?

The results in South Carolina seem to indicate that Bill Clinton's negative attacks and race-baiting on Barack Obama backfired big time. Drudge has tomorrow's NY Times lead which suggests it's time to tone Bill down a bit:
NYT LEAD MONDAY: Hillary's campaign will try to 'shift former President Bill Clinton back into positive, supportive-spouse role' he played before her loss in Iowa...
Victor Davis Hanson at The Corner explains why that probably won't work:
After the Clinton disaster in South Carolina, there is belated talk of "redefining" Bill's role. But that will be difficult, since like it or not, the two have become a sort of Clintonian centaur, her supposedly rational head and torso implanted on his wild horsy body and legs — and he will want to keep galloping even when she screams "Whoa, boy!"
Hanson has it right. Bubba can't help himself. Even after Hillary was skunked in South Carolina Bill continued to make racial comments regarding Obama's candidacy. He's convinced of his own prowess as a politician, and I don't think there's anyone in the campaign who can stifle him.

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