HolyCoast: The First Cosmonaut Was Not Who You Think
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Monday, January 28, 2008

The First Cosmonaut Was Not Who You Think

If you know anything about the US/Soviet space race and I asked you who the first cosmonaut was, you'd probably answer Yuri Gagarin. It turns out that Gagarin was not the first after all, just the first one who survived (from Pravda):

As 40 years have passed since Gagarin’s flight, new sensational details of this event were disclosed: Gagarin was not the first man to fly to space. Three Soviet pilots died in attempts to conquer space before Gagarin's famous space flight, Mikhail Rudenko, senior engineer-experimenter with Experimental Design Office 456 (located in Khimki, in the Moscow region) said on Thursday.

According to Rudenko, spacecraft with pilots Ledovskikh, Shaborin and Mitkov at the controls were launched from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome (in the Astrakhan region) in 1957, 1958 and 1959. "All three pilots died during the flights, and their names were never officially published," Rudenko said. He explained that all these pilots took part in so-called sub- orbital flights, i.e., their goal was not to orbit around the earth, which Gagarin later did, but make a parabola-shaped flight.

"The cosmonauts were to reach space heights in the highest point of such an orbit and then return to the Earth," Rudenko said. According to his information, Ledovskikh, Shaborin and Mitkov were regular test pilots, who had not had any special training, Interfax reports.

"Obviously, after such a serious of tragic launches, the project managers decided to cardinally change the program and approach the training of cosmonauts much more seriously in order to create a cosmonaut detachment," Rudenko said.

I think this officially makes Gagarin either the bravest man in history or the dumbest. After watching three of your compatriots die on consecutive space flights and you still want to fly, you've got to be one or the other.

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