HolyCoast: Clinton No Habla Espanol, and Doesn't Much Like It Either
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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Clinton No Habla Espanol, and Doesn't Much Like It Either

There's a new race angle opening up in the Dem campaign. This time it's not white vs black, but black & brown vs white:
The radio ad aired by one of Obama's labor allies re-injects ethnicity into the Democratic primary contest in sharp terms.

"Hillary Clinton does not respect our people," the ad says in Spanish (original and Clinton campaign translation after the jump), referring to the lawsuit that failed today to shut down special caucus sites on Las Vegas' strip. "Hillary Clinton is shameless."

"Sen. Obama is defending our right to vote. Sen. Obama wants our votes. He respects our votes, our community, and our people. Sen. Obama’s campaign slogan is 'Si Se Puede.' Vote for a president who respects us, and who respects our right to vote," the ad says, according to a transcript provided by the Clinton campaign and confirmed in part by a union official.

On a conference call arranged by the Clinton campaign, two of her supporters denounced the spot and demanded that Obama distance himself from it. They also said the Clinton campaign had no involvement in the lawsuit, which was filed by Clinton supporters and defended by Bill Clinton.

"It’s pathetic and it's sad and it's unfortunate that they have to stoop so low," said Dolores Huerta, a longtime Hispanic labor leader who supports Clinton. She said she had never met Obama in her years of working on Hispanic causes, and suggested the ad was prompted by his lack of Hispanic support.

"I have yet to find even one worker — a Latino worker — who is supporting Barack Obama," she said.
Just wait until the caucuses on Saturday, Dolores. The casino ballrooms will be full of them. You won't have trouble finding any Latino Obama supporters then.

Who ever would have guessed that the Democrats would become obsessed by race? Gosh, this is getting fun.

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