HolyCoast: The Clinton's Nanny State
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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Clinton's Nanny State

The Clinton's have long been accused of being in favor of a nanny state approach to government, and what better proof is there than this:
Meet Hillary Clinton's secret weapon in Iowa: baby-sitters.

In Thursday's caucuses, it all comes down to getting out the vote. And Clinton is going to the extremes, even lining up baby-sitters and day care centers for caucus-going moms.

I bet this was Bill's idea. He's probably in charge of interviewing the prospective babysitters.

Although this is tongue-in-cheek, there's plenty of evidence that Hillary is not running for president, but for national mother. Look at this item from Best of the Web:
The New York senator also highlighted a chapter in her book, "It Takes a Village," that talks about every child needing a champion. She said most children have someone in that role and she'd like to fulfill it for the whole country.

"I think the American people need a president who is their champion. And I've been running to be that champion--to get up every single day and do all that I can to make sure I provide the tools that every single American is entitled to receive and make the most out of their own lives," Clinton said.

In other words, we're all her children who need to be cared for by the great and powerful Clintons. This attitude goes hand-in-hand with her Christmas video that had her bestowing "gifts" of government programs on the American people.

She needs to be stopped.

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