HolyCoast: Mama Moonbat Gets Booed in Pasadena
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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Mama Moonbat Gets Booed in Pasadena

The threatened "hundreds or thousands" of pro-impeachment protesters led by Cindy Sheehan at the Tournament of Roses Parade ended up being about 100, and they were booed by the spectators:
Twenty-three people were arrested by Tuesday afternoon, including one protester, Pasadena Police Department Lt. Keith Jones said. Jones said the protester was "arrested for holding up a sign that blocked other patrons view of the parade."

Dozens of anti-war protesters led by "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan staked out spots across from television cameras, hoisting signs reading "Impeachment is Patriotic."

After the procession's last float inched out to start along the parade's 5 1/2-mile route, a group of more than 100 anti-war protesters marched behind it, including Sheehan. Parade watchers sitting in the grandstand booed and yelled at the protesters.

"This is not the occasion for this," Mary Feichtel, 63, of Florida, said of the protests.

Sheehan spoke later to a gathering of protesters at Pasadena City Hall.
I watched the entire parade (while working on my computer) and never saw any sign of protests on the HGTV broadcast. The other networks may have picked them up, but they didn't seem to make much of an impact.

Once again the wacky left has overplayed their hand and turned people away from their cause. Of course, their cause is silly to begin with. With barely a year left in Bush's term, there will be no impeachment regardless of how many temper tantrums Sheehan and her Code Pinko bunch throw. The Dems won't risk turning large parts of the country completely against them in a presidential election year.

It's time for Mama Moonbat to move on.

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