HolyCoast: Everybody's Pickin' on Bill
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Monday, January 21, 2008

Everybody's Pickin' on Bill

Don't kid yourself if you think the Obama/Clinton race war is over. It's not over yet, based on some remarks by the Mayor of Atlanta that were made will Bill Clinton sitting just a few feet away:
With former President Bill Clinton standing not 20 feet in front of her, Atlanta mayor Shirley Franklin took what appeared to be a political shot at the former president's comments about Barack Obama's candidacy.

Speaking at the 40th annual MLK commemorative service at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Franklin said the country is on the "cusp of turning the impossible into reality. Yes this is reality, not fantasy or fairy tales."

Clinton, in supporting his wife Hillary's bid for the Democratic nomination, recently took heat for using the term "fairy tale" to describe Obama's depiction of his stance on the war.

Franklin has endorsed Obama, who spoke from the same pulpit at Ebenezer on Sunday.

Today, after Franklin's remarks, the crowd of more than 2000 rose to its feet - except for Bill Clinton, who sat in his front pew seat and clapped politely.

Five seats to Clinton's left sat another former Arkansas govenor, Republican Mike Huckabee, also seeking his party's nomination as president. He stood at the end of Franklin's remarks.

During his address, Clinton responded to Franklin's remarks. "Mayor Franklin already took care of the political stuff. I wouldn't have said it quite the way she did but she got it all out there."
Bill's getting a little touchy as he watches one of his key constituencies losing their adoration for him. Given all the bad blood that came out of Nevada, this will only get more heated in the coming days.

Barack Obama blasted Bubba on network TV this morning. It's getting to where an obnoxious former president can't get any respect at all.

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