HolyCoast: The HolyCoast Razor
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The HolyCoast Razor

Our nation is supposed to be about freedom. We live in the "land of the free", and yet every day there's another government plan or program which effectively takes away some of our freedom. I think we need to start judging what our politicians do by a simple standard - freedom.

You've heard of Occam's Razor ("the simplest explanation for something is usually the correct one") and Krauthammer's Razor ("In explaining any puzzling Washington phenomenon, always choose stupidity over conspiracy, incompetence over cunning "), and now I add to that genre The HolyCoast Razor which state this:

The better plan or program for America is the one that most looks like freedom.

Rick Moore, 2008
I came to this conclusion after listening to a radio interview with Mitt Romney. Romney was going on about his various plans and the billions they would cost, and comparing them to Hillary Clinton's plans and the billions they would cost. And then it hit me and The HolyCoast Razor was born.

How do you apply this principle? When examining any two candidate's plans or programs simply ask yourself "which one most looks like freedom?" When comparing just about anything proposed by a Democrat to anything proposed by a Republican, the answer will usually be clear, though depending on the Republican, results could vary.

Now, we should come to an understanding about one thing. Just because one program looks more like freedom than another doesn't mean the first program is good. If it involves the government having more control of your life or taking more money from your pocket, it may be preferrable to what the opposition is proposing but it's still a bad idea because it fails the "freedom" test.

Freedom is what's important, not government.

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